Individual Covenant of Support


I/we, ________________________________, pledge to support the mission of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light, by making an annual financial contribution (see recommendations), and by agreeing to do one or more of the following:


_____1. Educate myself and my congregation about the consequences of energy choices for ourselves, our world and our future, about how my faith applies to these energy choices, and about how I can best become an effective witness for just and sustainable solutions. 


_____2.  Reduce my energy use (“carbon footprint”) by conducting a simple self audit of my home and my travel to identify sources of energy waste and potential financial and energy savings, and/or by making energy efficiency improvements to my home, and/or by reducing carbon-based travel.


_____3. Use renewable energy sources like wind, solar and geothermal, and/or offsetting non-renewable energy sources by purchasing green power in some way, and/or increasing my use of public transportation, walking or bicycling.


_____4.  Work in my community to encourage liturgy in adult and children’s worship services that points to our responsibility to be good stewards of Creation, and/or to start an environmental concerns committee, and/or encourage my congregation to join PA IPL.


_____5. Help advocate for local, state and national policies to reduce carbon emissions.


Name__________________________________________________ Title__________________

Phone_____________________ Email______________________________________________


Faith Community /organization____________________________________________________


Send to:

Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light

205-IPL Pasquerilla Spiritual Center     University Park, PA 16802


PA IPL is  a 501( c)3 organization registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations.  Checks made out to  “PA IPL” are tax-deductable to the fullest extent of the law.


PAIPL is a project of the Religion and Society Center, Harrisburg, a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; checks made out to the Religion and Society Center are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light is a community of congregations, faith-based organizations, and individuals of faith responding to climate change as a moral issue, through advocacy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, and the use of clean, renewable energy.