
Cricket Eccleston Hunter has degrees in biology and education and has been both a middle school science teacher and a recruiter for Teach for America. She is a member of Grace Lutheran Church in State College, where she resides with her husband and two daughters. Cricket has been with PA IPL for over a year now. In her own words: “PA IPL represents, for me, an integration of the science that has long interested and concerned me with a faith-based imperative to care for the earth and (perhaps even more urgently) for our poorer brothers and sisters: those who inevitably bear the brunt of our human experiment in constantly expanding consumption.” See Cricket’s recent op-ed here.


She can be reached at chunter@paipl.org

Current Staff:

Executive Director: Cricket Eccleston Hunter



PA IPL Staff


Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light is growing! While we depend on the hundreds of hours volunteered by board members and supporters every year, we also have a dedicated staff of professionals. Together, they see that our operations run smoothly and that we can reach out to congregations and people of faith throughout Pennsylvania.

Americorps volunteer: Andrew Hayes



Andy Hayes graduated from Penn State with a double major in English and Geography. He has taken humanitarian trips to Puerto Rico and New Orleans, and has worked and studied in many outdoor settings.  A native of  State College, Pennsylvania, Andy is particularly attracted by PA IPL’s focus on acting now to preserve creation for future generations. He writes: “organizations such as Interfaith Power and Light have the power to inspire change from the ground up.

Database Manager: Rose Bomboy

Rose Bomboy is a proposal and award generalist in the College of Education at Penn State and manages the database for PA IPL. She resides in Howard, PA, where she enjoys riding her horse just as often as she can.