Cool Harvest — a great program from Interfaith Power & Light, just in time for Earth Day





Spring has sprung and Earth Day is right around the corner! To help you celebrate the season and protect the Earth, we're excited to announce that we have created a special Sow a Cool Harvest gardening kit for congregations. It’s available to order now in time for Earth Day activities. Don't have the space or time for a garden? There are other tips you can use, like how to green your pantry or host a local farmers' market.

This kit is a follow up to last year's
Enjoy a Cool Harvest program. If you missed it, and would rather start with that introductory program, your order will automatically include access to the free organizer's kit as well. Enjoy a Cool Harvest is our entry-level 'cool potluck dinner and a movie' program for faith communities to gently raise awareness about the rather large, but not often discussed, connection between our daily food choices and global warming.

It's all part of our Cool Harvest food, faith, and climate program for congregations. Did you know that almost one-fifth of climate change pollution comes from the food industry? And as you will learn in this program, the foods that are healthier for the planet are also healthier for our bodies.

Companion DVDs at a Special Price

When you order the free Cool Harvest program, you will have the option of purchasing one or both of the discounted DVDs (“Nourish” or “Dirt”) for $15/each:

Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light  * 205-IPL Pasquerilla Spiritual Center  *  University Park, PA  16802  *  814-876-2597